Frog Grips: More Than Just Grips – Your Ultimate CrossFit Companion

If you’re a CrossFit enthusiast, you’re probably aware of the intensity and dedication that this sport demands. It’s a community that thrives on pushing boundaries and setting new standards. In the heart of Perth, Western Australia, there’s a company that not only understands this passion but also shares it. Frog Grips, an Australian-owned company, is more than just another fitness brand; it’s a testament to the spirit of CrossFit.

Originating in Perth, Western Australia

Frog Grips has its roots in the picturesque city of Perth, Western Australia. Founded by affiliate owners who are passionate CrossFitters themselves, the company was born out of a shared commitment to upholding the CrossFit standard and continually improving every day. They understand that CrossFit is not just a fitness regimen; it’s a way of life, and they are dedicated to making it better for every enthusiast.

Bringing Fun, Education, and Kick-Ass Accessories

In a world filled with motivational quotes and hardcore fitness companies, Frog Grips takes a different approach. They believe that CrossFit can be fun, and they’re here to prove it. While they take fitness seriously, they also understand the importance of enjoying the journey. Their mission is to bring a little bit of fun, a touch of education, and, most importantly, the most kick-ass grips and accessories on the market.

Partnering with fitbox for Excellence

Frog Grips is committed to providing value to CrossFit affiliate owners. To achieve this, they’ve partnered with the team here at fitbox, the leading gym management software platform in the fitness industry.

This collaboration is a testament to Frog Grips‘ dedication to staying at the forefront of the industry. Their own gym has transitioned to the fitbox platform, showcasing their commitment to innovation and excellence.

#BetterWithFrog: Your CrossFit Companion

The slogan “Keep working hard and get #betterwithfrog” encapsulates Frog Grips’ ethos. They’re not just selling grips and accessories; they’re providing a support system for CrossFitters to reach new heights in their fitness journey. It’s about pushing the boundaries, setting new standards, and having fun while doing it.

In conclusion, Frog Grips is not just another fitness brand; it’s a testament to the CrossFit spirit. It’s about making the journey enjoyable, educating enthusiasts, and providing them with the best gear.

With their partnership with the team here at fitbox, they are set to become an even more integral part of the CrossFit community. So, keep working hard, and remember, it’s always #betterwithfrog by your side.

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*coming soon*

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Owners: Enjoy a 15% commission on all sales, deposited into your account.

Check out their range here and find Frog Grips in your app, and the fitbox Marketplace.

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